© Texas Zero Tolerance
Texas Zero Tolerance
Texas Zero Tolerance
Winona ISD


My 16-year old son was pushed against the wall by his ex-girlfriend while she spat on him in his face, yelled at him, cursed him, etc. and while she was waving her arms at him all within his personal space. Son in turn in an unattended attempt to self defense held her arms outward from him and eventually pushed her arms back to get her off him as he exited to the right of the wall that she had him up against. Clearly a self defense move in that he was the victim.


WISD called in local law enforcement and wrote tickets for disorderly conduct, son and the girl were also suspended for 3-days, and assigned an additional 5 days in inner school suspension upon return. Judge ordered both into community service for an additional 30-hours each. School lacks real leadership stating zero tolerance policy for fighting despite that male child was not actually fighting and that he was only trying to avoid being hit, slapped, spat on or further humiliated by a weaker opposite sex person. Son was capable of causing much harm but as a gentleman acted appropriately only to suffer Zero Tolerance Policy. Son did not fight outside of the defensive slight shove of her arms to get her off of him while he tried to leave the situation.


Ex-girlfriends mother works for the judge which she was able to complete 30 hours of community service in 3 days that covered regular 8-hour shifts at best under her own mothers supervision. And the incident was filmed on a cell phone which the girlfriend did obtained a copy of the video onto her own phone via blue tooth technology.