Texas Zero Tolerance
Texas Zero Tolerance
Leander ISD


22 May 2008

My son was introduced to macabre material by his previous Language Arts teacher and from the horror section in the school library.  He was encourage to write and creatively explore his personal thoughts in a Language Arts classroom journal. When asked, he read story about a video game in class.  The school decided to read his journal and then identified some of the writings as disturbing.


School administrators suspended my son for three days and charged him with "Terroristic Threat", and assigned him to DEAP for remainder of the year.


My son has IEP/BIP (Individual Education Plan/Behavior Intervention Pad) and is eligibility qualified with (ED).  He was not provided any due process, notification or explanation of charge until after the ruling.  School administrators would not even quantify what their definition of "Terroristic Threat" was until 2 months after incident.  The definition clearly defines "intent" as a prerequisite, but was never addressed or considered.  Preventive measures are clearly defined in BIP, but the school refuses to consider them.  Counseling sessions are part of his IEP accommodations, but they were not faithfully implemented.

Some of the "troubling" writings identified came from their own school library.

A due process hearing is now pending.

© Texas Zero Tolerance