Texas Zero Tolerance
Texas Zero Tolerance
Cy-Fair ISD

DATE OF INCIDENT: October 24, 2008


I started my senior year in high school at AlC within Cy-Fair ISD. There is a level sheet program where teachers give students points for required behavior and if a student does not meet a specific point accumulation then more time is served or other consequences. One day in class I found out that a teacher had taken quite a few of my points including all 3 of my "task points" when I did all of my work and barely exchanged words with her. It was the end of class and she ordered me to sit down. I calmly told her I did not want her to speak to me because of my disappointment in point loss. I just wanted to do my time and leave so the situation was naturally frustrating. After telling her that she ordered me to go to discipline class as the bell was ringing. I wanted to leave it all behind and go to my next class but she insisted. This just made me angry and as I entered "DC" and I indirectly, while looking at no one and not intending any harm upon anyone, said "Man, I feel like shooting someone in the face." The teacher did not seem scared and much later told me to go to the office, not expressing any real worry. The school suspended me. I thought that was the end of the misfortune but when I came back police officers were waiting and I was told I was being arrested. The charge is a 3rd degree felony. I have to pay over 1,500 dollars that I was saving for a good future, I now attend a similar program to the alternative learning center called the secondary alternative center for 9 weeks, and I have to obey all other highly deplorable consequences.


Suspension/SAC placement/pressed the charge


I am honestly a peaceful man that does not want to interfere in the path of anyone. I would never intentionally hurt anything. I am very disappointed in this system that is supposed to protect and shelter me and my neighbors. I am losing motivation for many things because of the influence of stress. I am trying to deal with it all in the best way. If there is any information that could help it would be greatly appreciated. My court date is 10/20/08. Any response is appreciated.

© Texas Zero Tolerance