Texas Zero Tolerance
Texas Zero Tolerance
© Texas Zero Tolerance
In our efforts to reach out to members of the Texas Legislature, many Representatives and Senators have told us that you have lobbied to restrict reforms to the disciplinary system in Texas (particularly TASB and TASA). You are groups that receive taxpayer money through your members to lobby against the citizens of Texas best interests and we want to hear from you why you believe our efforts are misguided.

Our simple request is for you to email us your concerns and why you are trying to stand in the way of providing our children basic civil rights.

If you stand against basic rights, then please explain why. We recognize the fact that many have differing opinions and yours does count. We reach out to these groups to work for a better solution and we urge you to let us know why you disagree and lobby against our efforts.

Please email us your concerns and we will be more than happy to discuss these items of concern.


Eddie Evans
Fred Hink
Kurt Lane

Texas Zero Tolerance

Open Letter to Those Who Lobby Against our Efforts